POWER ADVANCEMENT︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎
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At the end of each session, each Warrior may roll 2D4 once on the following Power Advancement table:
Next, consult one of the seven corresponding tables below & roll accordingly. Each category advances either the Warrior or their Gang, as indicated in brackets:
(2) CASH [Warrior]
Lady Luck favors you, sending you fortune & prosperity.
Roll 1 D4:
1. Old Debt: Money owed to you finally comes through — $2,500
2. Extortion Money: Collections were on-time & in-full for a change — $5,000
3. Blood Money: You are given a large sum of cash, but with strings attached —
4. Lucky Break: The fates have decided to reward you handsomely; you come into a large sum of money — $15,000
(3) VEHICLE [Gang]
Roll 1 D4 to upgrade your Vehicle:
1. Turbo Injector: Negates a single point (*) scored upon you during each Vehicle Combat, representing your Vehicle’s superior speed & handling.
2. Radio Scanner: You always have a bead on where enemy Vehicles are coming from. By default, you are the Attacking Vehicle during the opening pass of Vehicle Combat.
3. Armored Chassis: Your Vehicle is equipped with front & side armor. Reduce all Wounds scored upon you during Vehicle Combat by 3.
4. Hood-Mounted Weapon: Outfit your Vehicle with a Driver-controlled turret Weapon, allowing the Driver to now shoot during Vehicle Combat.
Roll 1 D4:
1. Reaper Cannon — Blast (3) ⬤ ⬤ ⬤
2. Flame Thrower — Blast (6) ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ ⬤
3. Minigun — Blast (8) ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ ⬤
4. Rocket Launcher — Blast (1) ⬤
(A successful Rocket Launcher hit deals 15 Wounds.)
(4) SKILLS [Warrior]
Choose a new Skill from your available Skill list.
(5) TERRITORY [Gang]
Roll 1 D4 to increase your Gang’s Territory, which in turn generates Income through extortion:
1. Manufacturing Facility — Roll once on the Weapons chart below — Income: $500
2. Truck Stop — Income: $1,000
3. Tenement Building — Income: $2,500
4. Strip Club — Income: $3,000
(6) WEAPONS [Warrior]
Roll 1 D4 to upgrade your current Weapon:
1. Tune-Up: Each component of your Weapon is finely tuned to maximize its effectiveness. Add + 1 Blast ⬤ to your current Weapon.
2. Powered Scope: Re-roll any single shot during a Firefight.
3. High-Capacity Magazine: Add + 2 Blast ⬤ ⬤ to your current Weapon.
4. Belt-Fed Ammunition: Add + 3 Blast ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ to your current Weapon.
Roll 1 D4 to be awarded with a new Reputation for your Gang:
1. Heavy Outfit: Your Gang’s name carries serious weight, evoking awe & admiration.
2. Psycho Killers: Recent combat has earned you the status of being fearless Warriors, not to be trifled with.
3. Speed Freaks: Your need for speed & daring maneuvers leave you virtually uncontested on the road.
4. Dead-Eye Shots: Your reputation precedes you as deadly marksmen.
(8) FAVOR [Gang]
Your notoriety grows within the eyes of the Innersanctum, earning you Favor.
Roll 1 D4:
1. Street Machine: Anytime, anywhere a Driver will deliver a replacement Vehicle.
2. Weapons Cache: Any one Warrior may re-roll once on the starting Weapons chart.
3. Cover-Up: The Innersanctum’s agents will cover up any unsightly event you cause.
4. Contract Killer: The Innersanctum will place a contract on anyone you desire.
If you are Warrior, stop reading here. Otherwise, continue to Death-Master...
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